Seeley's Bay News Archives
Canada Day in Seeley's Bay!
Join Seeley's Bay in our celebration of Canada's 152nd birthday! Many Canada Day events are planned throughout July 1st, including an ecumenical church service at 10:00am, a parade at 4:00pm, canteen, chicken BBQ at the Legion beginning at 4:30pm, live entertainment beginning at 5:30pm and our world famous fireworks display at dusk.
More info here - Canada Day in Seeley's Bay
Posted: May 30, 2023
Seeley's Bay Red Canoefest returns to Seeley's Bay starting at 9:00am on Saturday June 3rd
Join us for our Silent Poker Run and Kid's Fishing Derby.
Visit for more information.
Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics - Friday December 17th & Wednesday December 22nd
1:00pm to 4:00pm both days
Open to the public for anyone over 50 years of age.
Please call the clinic (613-387-3120) to arrange an appointment.
December 20: Sorry, we have no more appointment times available. Thank you!!
Seeley's Bay Annual Tree Lighting Returns!
Friday November 26 @ 7:00pm
On Bay Street, across from the Legion
Click here for details
Posted: November 10 2021
TLTI Service Disruption Notice - Deans Lane Closure Nov 16 2021
Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands Service Disruption Notice:
Deans Lane Closure - November 16, 2021
Deans Lane is undergoing an emergency culvert replacement.
Road crews will be on site November 15 to prep the area.
The road closure is in effect from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on November 16.
We kindly ask residents to make alternate arrangements during the road closure on the 15th as thru traffic will not be permitted.
Please note, emergency services will be on standby, should they be required.
Note: This maintenance schedule is contingent upon weather and resources.
The Seeley's Bay Medical Centre is having a drive through flu shot clinic on Friday November 5th from 2-4pm.
Please call the clinic (613-387-3120) to arrange an appointment.
Open to everyone
(from Leeds 1000 Islands Fire Services Facebook)

On Saturday October 23 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Leeds Fire Department will be conducting their water shuttle certification. The Seeley’s Bay Boat Ramp Area will be a very busy location during that time. Trucks will be shuttling water to the Sweet’s Pit on County Road 32. Trucks will be entering Seeley’s Bay at Main Street and Hwy 15. They will be filling at the dry hydrant and leaving from Bay Street back to the Pit. Trucks will be responding to these locations with their lights on.

FREE! Thank-you Community BBQ - Provided by
Seeley's Bay Lions Club
free hamburger or hot dog, drink and a back of chips. First come, first
served, limited supplies.
Provided by the Seeley's Bay Lions Club
Sat 18 Sept 2021 11:00 – 13:00 |
Seeley's Bay Centennial Park |
Mayor’s Chat – March 11th
Bay Community Hall, 151 Main Street
10:30 a.m. - Welcome from the Mayor
10:45 a.m. - Presentation, Senior’s Ambassador Project, followed by Q & A
Mayor’s Chat – Feb. 27th
Bay Community Hall, 151 Main Street
9:30 a.m. - Welcome from the Mayor
9:45 a.m. - Presentation, Senior’s Ambassador Project
10:00 a.m. Open Forum – Your chance to ask Council questions (Mayor Corinna Smith-Gatcke & Councillor Ward 2 Gordon Ohlke) about services, facilities, and 2020 projects & priorities
Click here for details
Posted: September 21 2019
The Citizen's Democracy Forum and The Seeley's Bay Area Residents' Association are sponsoring an all Candidates Meeting on Friday October 4th at the Seeley's Bay Community Hall (Firehall).
Our Township Council has given the go-ahead to demolish the TeePee in Seeley's Bay Centennial Park. It seems to be a surprise to many residents. Ward 2 Councillor Ohlke has responded to a recent question on Facebook regarding public consultation that has taken place.
Should it be designated as a Heritage Structure/Landmark?
value or associative value
because it,
i. has direct associations with
a theme, event, belief, person,
activity, organization or institu-
tion that is significant to a
ii. yields, or has the potential
to yield, information that con-
tributes to an understanding
of a community or culture, or
iii. demonstrates or reflects
the work or ideas of an archi-
tect, artist, builder, designer
or theorist who is significant
to a community.
3. The property has contextual
value because it,
i. is important in defining,
maintaining or supporting
the character of an area,
ii. is physically, functionally,
visually or historically linked
to its surroundings, or
iii. is a landmark."
Join the fun in Seeley's Bay on Friday November 30th. It starts with our communitry Christmas Tree lighting at the corner of Bay Street and Main Street, beginning at 5:30pm.
Then at 7:30pm, our Small "Hall-idays" concert starts in the Seeley's Bay Community Hall. Tickets can be purchased on line at Festival of Small Halls website.
Click here for more details
Great news for The Township of Leeds and Thousand Islands and especially Seeley's Bay! It was announced yesterday that Le Boat, Europe's #1 Boating Vacationing Company, is expanding it's Canadian operation on the Historic Rideau Canal beyond Smiths Falls! Beginning in 2019, Le Boat will open a satellite base in beautiful Seeley's Bay! In addition to the "round trip" boat rentals they have offered from Smith Falls in 2018, Le Boat will now offer one-way trips from Smiths Falls to Seeley's Bay or vice versa. This will allow vacationers from around the world more time to spend with us in Seeley's Bay and to enjoy the sites along the Rideau Canal.
For information about the amazing boating vacations at Le Boat, go to their web site at;
Also, Lizz Huff (current Councillor who is not running in this election) has provided some insight into the record of one of our Mayoral candidates, and links to supporting documents.
Click here to view her Facebook post.

Voter Elgibility ***UPDATED***
If you’re a Canadian citizen who is over the age of 18 and are a resident, owner or tenant of property in Ontario, you are eligible to vote in October. If you qualify, you can vote in multiple jurisdictions. The voter lookup page for TLTI has now closed but you can contact the Office of the Clerk directly if you have questions or concerns about being on the voter list.
VANESSA LATIMER: 613-659-2415 ext. 216 Toll Free: 1-866-220-2327
[email protected]
Voting Day ***UPDATED***
On voting day, Monday October 22, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. there will be 3 polling stations:
Lansdowne Community Hall – 1 Jessie St. Lansdowne
TLTI FireStation 4 – 312 Lyndhurst Rd., Lyndhurst
TLTI FireStation 3 – 153 County Rd. 32, Gananoque
UPDATE: Road and Ramp Closures - Seeley's Bay Public Dock
Road Closure: Mill and Bay streets (at the harbour) in Seeley’s Bay will be closed on Wednesday, September 12
Ramp Closure: The boat ramp at the harbour in Seeley’s Bay will be closed on Thursday, September 13
Local residents and business owners will have access; other motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes.
Reminder: intermittent delays will continue throughout the month of September.
Seeley’s Bay Municipal Harbour
September 4, 2018
Please be advised that there will be a service disruption affecting the boat ramp, docks and road in the area of the Seeley’s Bay Municipal Harbour located at the corner of Mill and Bay streets. Additional notice will be provided if a full closure of the road or facility is required.
This disruption will be periodic, occurring between September 4th and September 26, 2018.
The Summer 2018 edition of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available! Click here (Requires Adobe Reader).
In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Posted June 27, 2018 - Celebrate Canada's 151st birthday in Seeley's Bay on Sunday July 1st! The day is filled with events throughout the village, starting at 8:00am and ending at dusk with our amazing fireworks display! To view the Seeley's Bay Canada Day website click here.
The winter edition of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available! Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Parks Canada announces the complete re-opening of the Rideau Canal, from Ottawa to Kingston.
Click here for information.
Due to high water levels and excessive flows Upper Brewers, Lower Brewers and Kingston Mills Locks remain closed to navigation.
Click here for information.
Due to high water levels and excessive flows, Nicholsons, Clowes, Merrickville, Chaffeys, Upper Brewers, Lower Brewers and Kingston Mills Locks remain closed to navigation.
Click here for information.
Due to high water levels and excessive flows, Long Island, Nicholsons, Clowes, Merrickville, Chaffeys, Upper Brewers, Lower Brewers and Kingston Mills Locks remain closed to navigation.
Click here for information.
Parks Canada announces the re-opening of Jones Falls, Davis, Detached, Combined, Old Slys, Edmonds
and Kilmarnock Locks.
Click here for information.
Parks Canada (Rideau Canal) announces the re-opening of Brass Point Swing Bridge and the Poonamalie and Beveridges lock stations for navigation. This is in addition to Ottawa, Narrows, and Newboro lock stations which have remained open.
Click here for information.
Rideau Canal temporary closure due to increased water levels.
Click here for information.
Come to Seeley's Bay and join in the fun of Red Canoe Fest on Saturday June 3rd!
Kids & Cops - Hosted this year by Just Fishing Show's 'Big' Jim McLaughlin - 2:00pm to 4:00pm @ the Seeley's Bay Municipal Dock
Silent Poker Run starts at 2:00pm @ the Centennial Park Paddling Station
Community BBQ - 4:00pm to 6:00pm @ the Centennial Park Pavillion
For more details, go to http://www.redc
Posted April 21 2017
Gentle Yoga, Wednesdays 10-11am, April 19 - May 24
This is a relaxing yoga class with slow movements, gentle stretching and deep breathing. This class is ideal for older folks, new moms, those recovering from illness or injury, or anyone looking to slow down, stretch and relax.
Posted January 10 2017
For the first time since 1903, Seeley's Bay will be without a banking facility, effective 6 p.m. on Friday July 14, 2017. TD Canada Trust has announced to its Seeley's Bay Customers that their branch will be "moving" to the TD Canada Trust branch in Gananoque. The Seeley's Bay branch of TD Canada Trust will close.
For those who are looking for a bank closer to Seeley's Bay, the Bank of Montreal in Elgin is a full service bank, open Monday to Friday.
Join in on the fun on February 3rd, 4th & 5th for our 2017 Seeley's Bay Frost Fest! On Saturday February 4th, Frost Fest is presenting Sean McCann, founding member of Great Big Sea! Get your tickets for Sean McCann at Perry's Place or Seeley's Bay Post Office. Or you can purchase tickets online. Seats are limited so be quick for a great story and song man!
Residents and boaters please take note... Renegade Bass Tour will host their second Seeley's Bay bass tournament of the year on Saturday September 10th and Sunday September 11th. Here are the details;
Name: 2016 Classic XXI
Date: Sept 10 & 11, 2016
Launch: Seeley's Bay town launch
Boat Check-in: 5:15 am to 6:45 am
Take-Off: 7:00 am
Saturday Weigh-in: 4:00 pm
Sunday Weigh-in: 3:00 pm
There will be an information session regarding Ward Restructuring on Monday August 8 from 6-8 p.m. at the Seeley’s Bay Community Hall. If you can’t attend the meeting, you may complete the survey online at
Join Seeley's Bay in our celebration of Canada's 149th birthday! Many Canada Day events are planned throughout July 1st, including a parade at 4:00pm and an amazing fireworks display at dusk.
For more information, please go to the Seeley's Bay Canada Day website at ( for details.
** Important** - Posted June 5 2016
Recently the computer of a resident in the Seeley's Bay area was hit by "ransomware". In case you haven't heard of it, ransomware is a type of malware that can be covertly installed on a computer without knowledge or intention of the user. It restricts access to the infected computer system in some way, and demands that the user pay a ransom to the malware operators to remove the restriction. In the Seeley's Bay case, all picture and document files were encrypted (locked) and instructions were left in various file types on the computer as to how the owner could purchase software that would decrypt (unlock) the affected files.The ransom amounted to over $700, and if not paid within 5 days the ransom doubled. It is recommended that you not pay the ransom. There is no guarantee that the files will be decrypted even if you pay. However, if the files are extremely important to you, and you choose to pay the ransom, it must be paid in Bitcoin, which is a digital currency.
What To Do
1) BE CAREFUL! Ransomware can get onto your computer in various ways:
Visiting unsafe, suspicious, or fake websites.
Opening emails and email attachments
from people you don’t know, or that you
Clicking on malicious or bad links in emails, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media posts, instant messenger chats, like Skype.Install
It is not geographical in nature, i.e. it can go anywhere the internet goes!
2) Install security software and make sure it is kept up to date.
3) Back up your files to an external drive, usb stick or even in the cloud. Ransomware will affect all drives that are attached to or installed in your computer, so once your files are backed up, disconnect the drive from your computer.
4) Using a "Standard" user account in Windows may help prevent the installation of the ransomware. If you are logged in as a Standard user, you'll know something is wrong because you will be prompted for the Adminstrator password if someone is trying to install new software on your computer. Simply cancel that screen and nothing will be installed.
* Please Note: Some ransomware does not require this authentication and could be installed anyway.
5) Keep Windows up to date with all the latest security updates.
6) Mac computers can also be infected but so far, not to the same degree.
** Please keep in mind that nothing will make your computer 100% secure but these measures will decrease the chances of your computer becoming infected. **
If you have questions, please contact your computer technician.
You may contact me via email at [email protected], or phone at 613-387-4048.
Seeley's Bay's Red Canoefest is returning June 4th 2016! Click here for details.
Posted March 1 2016
Issue 25 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available! Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Just a reminder to join us at Frost Fest 2016 on February 5th to 7th, as our Community comes together to celebrate the season and enjoy the many events surrounding this Weekend Winter Festival.
Issue 24 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available! Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Celebrate Canada's 148th birthday in Seeley's Bay on Wednesday July 1st! The day is filled with events throughout the village, starting at 8:00am and ending at dusk with the annual fireworks display. To view the Seeley's Bay Canada Day website click here.
Issue 23 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available! Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Click here - for details
Click here for the unofficial results!
Posted October 20, 2014 - TLTI Municipal Election Update - The advance polls are now open (via phone or internet) and will remain open until 8:00pm on Monday October 27th. You will be required to provide your birth date and PIN (from your voter information letter that you received in the mail).
If you wish to vote by internet click on the link below and follow the online instructions.
If you wish to vote by telephone, dial 1-888-360-8915 and follow the instructions.
For detailed Voter Information provided by the Township - Click here
Posted October 5, 2014 - TLTI Municipal Election Update - Joe Baptista (Mayoral Candidate) has provided a video of the October 2nd All Candidates Meeting that was held in Rockport. It can be viewed online. - Click here
Click here to check it out!. (You must sign into Facebook to view this page.)
Click here to check it out!. (You can view this page without signing into Facebook)
Posted April 22, 2014 - Issue 21 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Posted February 12, 2014 - Please plan to attend "Arctic Odyssey" with James Raffan, at the Seeley's Bay Community Hall on Sunday March 16th at 2:00 pm
Tickets are $10 each and will be available at the door only (no advance sales).
Proceeds will go to the Seeley's Bay Area Residents Association.
For more information - Click here
Posted December 8 2013 - Please plan to attend two new "Storyfests" this winter with James Raffan, at the Seeley's Bay Community Hall .
The dates are:
Sunday January 19th at 2:00 pm - "Rail Romance...a cross-Canada journey", and
Sunday March 16th at 2:00 pm - "Arctic Odyssey"
Tickets are $10 each. They will be available at the door, in advance at the Seeley's Bay Library, or online (via PayPal) by clicking here.
Proceeds will go to the Seeley's Bay Area Residents Association.
For more information - Click here
For the full story - Click here
For a list of all available auction items - Click here
For more information, please go to the Seeley's Bay Canada Day website at
Check out for all the details!
Posted November 27, 2012 - Issue 17 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
For more info - Click here
Posted October 15, 2012 - The Township of Leeds and Thousand Islands has appointed Frank Kinsella as mayor.
For more info - Click here
Posted September 25, 2012 - Scarecrow Showdown is happening again this October in Seeley's Bay! Scarecrows must be up by Thanksgiving weekend and stay up for the week of October 9th to 14th.
For more info - Click here
Posted September 4, 2012 (Update September 6) - Mayor Bruce Bryan of The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands has resigned.
For more info - Click here (link no longer available)
An online survey has been created for area taxpayers to give their opinion as to how they would like the vacancy to be filled. To participate in the survey - Click here
Posted: August 14, 2012 - Issue 16 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Posted August 9, 2012 - On Sunday September 9th, 2:30pm at the Seeley’s Bay Community Hall (wheelchair accessible), the Seeley’s Bay and Area Residents’ Association is presenting a very special Storyfest. You may have watched “Canada One” on the Thames in London during the Diamond Jubilee Flotilla, you may have even watched Peter Mansbridge speaking via cell phone to Dr. Raffan during the voyage, but you haven’t heard the WHOLE story. On September 9th, our storyteller and master of “Canada One”, James Raffan, will reveal all.
Advance tickets are now available at Main St Hardware, the Seeley's Bay Post Office, The Junction, and The Nest Egg.
Click here to view more details.
Posted July 20, 2012 (Updated August 11, 2012) -
Fire Chief Bennett has issued a total fire ban effective immediately, including fire works and outdoor appliances, until further notice. No fire permits will be issued until the fire ban has been lifted. Click here to check the TLTI website for updates.
Posted July 7, 2012 - Come to the Seeley's Bay United Church Chicken Barbecue at Seeley's Bay Centenial Park on Saturday July 14th starting at 4:30pm! Adults - $10; children $5
* In case of rain, the dinner will be a the Seeley's Bay Community Hall (Fire Hall) on Main Street
Posted June 26, 2012 - Celebrate Canada's 145th birthday in Seeley's Bay on Sunday July 1st! The day is filled with events throughout the village, starting at 8:00am and ending at dusk with the annual fireworks display. To view the Seeley's Bay Canada Day website click here.
Posted: June 13, 2012 - Issue 15 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Posted: May 6, 2012 - Seeley's Bay will be having a Victoria Day Weekend of Garage and Plant sales on May 19 & 20. If you would like to have one, let Dale at the Nest Egg know so you can be mentioned on a map advertising where you are located. You can phone her at 613-387-9902 and leave a message.
Posted: April 8, 2012 - Issue 14 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Posted February 19, 2012 - Seeley's Bay Storyfest 2012 with Dr. James Raffan takes place today at the Seeley's Bay Community Hall (Firehall) from 2:00 to 4:00pm. Cost is $10.00 at the door for the benefit of SBARA - Seeley's Bay Steps Up Program. Treats and hot chocolate will be available after the presentation.
Posted: February 14, 2012 (Updated February 28) - Township of Leeds and Thousand Islands (TLTI) Councillors vote to receive 60% increase in their remuneration. Mayor Bryan to receive 56% increase. Deputy Mayor Conarroe to receive 65% increase.
Click here to view the Brockville Recorder and Times article.
Click here if you wish to sign an online petition requesting TLTI Council to recind the increase.
Update: A four page document "The Case for an Updated Council Remuneration" has been posted on the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands website - Click here to view it (PDF format)
Update #2: - At a special 2012 Budget meeting, council passed an ammendment of the pay increase bylaw, to spread the 60% increase over 3 years.
Click here to view the Brockville Recorder and Times article.
Posted January 28, 2012 - Join in the celebration as Seeley's Bay hosts our annual Frost Fest on February 3rd, 4th and 5th! Check out for all the details and schedule.
Posted January 17, 2012 - The Abrams Brothers have been nominated as 'new artist of the month' for February by CKXS in Wallaceburg Ontario. Please consider supporting this local band - use this link to vote now!
Posted January 10, 2012 - Please be aware of a phone scam that has hit many people in our area. People posing as "Microsoft Authrorized" service agents call and convincingly take you through an exercise that makes it appear as though your computer's security is at risk. If you allow them, they will remotely take over your computer. This is NOT should hang up as soon as you suspect the scam. Here are a couple of links to articles that explain it further.
Posted January 7, 2012 - Register for upcoming Zumbatomic (for children) and Zumba (for adults) programs, sponsored by TLTI at the Seeley's Bay Community Hall. Classes start Tuesday January 10th and run for 10 weeks. Go to the Events Calendar for details and fees.
Posted: December 20, 2011 - Christmas Services will be held at the following locations in our area;
Christmas Eve - 4:00pm (Children focused) - St. Lukes Anglican Church, Lyndhurst
7:30pm - St. Lukes Anglican Church, Lyndhurst
7:30pm - Lyndhurst United Church
Christmas Day - 10:00am - Portland United Church
For more details, check the Events calendar.
If you are aware of other services, please send them to [email protected]
Posted: October 28, 2011 - Please plan to come out and enjoy the festivities, as we welcome Rick Hansen and his 25th Anniversary Man in Motion Relay back to Seeley's Bay, on Sunday October 30, starting at 12:00 noon. Visit for details!
Posted: October 23, 2011 - Scarecrow contest! Prizes worth $100 and $50 courtesy of The Keg restaurant. To enter pay $5 fee at Nest Egg (more info there too). This is to brighten up the village for Rick Hansen Relay visit on Sunday October 30th, and in support of Seeley’s Bay Steps Up; any proceeds will help with future ‘spruce up’ work. The contest is open to all residents of the Seeley’s Bay area; scarecrows are to be displayed on Main Street and other locations on the Hansen Relay route (route details at Check out the Support Seeley's Bay Facebook Wall for updates and photos of some of the entries!
Posted: October 17, 2011 - Please plan to attend the Seeley's Bay Area Residents Association Annual General Meeting at the S.B. Community Hall on Tuesday November 18 @ 7:30pm. You will be provided with an update on the Main Street construction, the ‘report card’ on Seeley’s Bay Steps Up, launch of a sponsorship fundraising campaign, details of the Rick Hansen visit and the status of the SBARA finances, as well as Township budget. You will also have the opportunity to meet our new Township CAO, Rod Burkard. This will be followed by the AGM election for next year's SBARA Officers. Everyone is encouraged to stay afterward for refreshments and chat about community issues.
Posted: October 11 2011 - Richard (Dick) Green has entered a contest where he has a chance to win a new CAT truck. The winner will also appear in a documentary film entitled “Day in the Life Of” (partially filmed in the Seeley's Bay area). Voting is online at Each email address may vote once per day until October 15th, so there are only four days left!
Posted: October 6, 2011 - Issue 12 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Posted: September 4, 2011 - ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE....From September 6th to November 25th. Ken Miller Excavating will be installing a storm sewer and reconstructing Main Street from Highway 15 to Bracken Street and Bay Street from Main Street to Residence #133. These sections will be open only to local traffic and emergency vehicles. If you have any questions or concerns, contact their office at 613-348-3755.
Posted: August 16 2011 - Issue 11 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Announcement by Parks Canada on August 5 2011 - Due to the prolonged dry hot weather we are experiencing, Parks Canada cannot provide at the present time a navigable channel with an available water depth of 5 feet from Jones Falls to Newboro Lockstations which includes Newboro, Opinicon and Sand Lakes. Click here for further details.
Posted: July 14, 2011 - Boaters please take note...there will be a Renegade Bass Tour tournament in Seeley's Bay on Saturday July 16th with up to 68 boats. The public boat launch and dock area will be extremely busy, especially at 7:00am and 4:00pm.
Posted: July7, 2011 - Don't forget the Seeley's Bay United Church Chicken BBQ at the park on Saturday July 9th! Click here for more details.
Posted: June 29, 2011 - Join us on July 1st to celebrate Canada's 144th birthday - Click here for details
Posted: June 23 2011 - Issue 10 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click here
Posted: June 22, 2011 - Seeley's Bay United Church presents the Nepean Philharmonic Steel Band on Sunday June 26th at 2:00pm. Main Street will be closed in front of the Fire Hall during the festivities. - Click here
Posted: June 12, 2011 - There will be a Public Open House on Tuesday June 14 at the Fire Hall, regarding phase one of the Main Street reconstruction in Seeley's Bay, which is scheduled to begin in July. - Click here
Posted: May 19, 2011 - The "spruce up" team of the Seeley's Bay Steps Up group are asking for your support by donating some of your plants. Click here for details.
Posted: May 22, 2011 - Check out the latest update from the Seeley's Bay Area Residents Association - Click here
Posted: April 9, 2011 - "Seeley's Bay Steps Up" is looking for your ideas to help brand (taglines and logos) Seeley's Bay. The group has decided to use an online contest (ends April 16th) to solicit suggestions, in images and words, of how best to communicate the Seeley's Bay brand. For more details on how to get started, check out the information on
Posted: April 6, 2011 - The Seeley’s Bay and Area Residents’ Association is hosting a federal all-candidates meeting (minus Conservative Gord Brown) on Wednesday, April 13, at 7:30 pm, at the Seeley’s Bay Community Hall. Click here for details on
Posted: March 20, 2011 - The final Story Fest Adventure - Thursday March 24th at 7:00pm! Join James Raffan and Bill Buxton, principal researcher for Microsoft Inc., as he retraces a very difficult journey taken back in 1939 by his Anglican minister father, from Stanley Mission to Cumberland House, via the day school in the Cree Community of Pelican Narrows, Saskatchewan. It's a story about what it's like to build and paddle a real birch bark canoe on the routes of the explorers and voyageurs. The facility is fully accessible with an elevator, the fee is $5 cash at the door ($3 for youth), and there will be a snack available afterwards.
Posted: March 15, 2011 - Issue 9 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are available - Click hereClick here
Posted: February 20, 2011 - Another StoryFest Event with James Raffan - Today @ 2:00pm! Please join us at the Community Hall in Seeley’s Bay, above the Fire Hall. Remember. The facility is fully accessible with an elevator, the fee is $5 cash at the door ($3 for youth), and there will be a snack available afterwards.
Posted: January 30, 2011 - Come to Seeley's Bay Frost Fest, February 4 to 6th. Bringing the Community together to celebrate winter. Activities for the Family. Supporting the Community. Frost Fest brings the Seeley’s Bay Community together each February ~ to celebrate the season and enjoy the many events surrounding this weekend Winter Festival. From crafts, rides, dances and hockey, to childrens' events and dances - all add up to Fun Weekend! For details Click here
Posted: January 5, 2011 - The next Story Fest session with Jim Raffan is our first week-night event – a special effort to ensure that working families and young people can attend. Please come for 7:00 event on Tuesday January 18 and get an early taste of Frost Fest. For more information - Click here
Posted: December 11, 2010 - Come one, come all to hear Jim Raffan tell tales and show beautiful pictures of a journey through the Northwest Passage, 2:00 pm, December 12, Community Hall, $5 cash at door, $3 youth, $10 family - fundraiser for Seeley's Bay Steps Up.
Posted: December 1, 2010 - Issue 8 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are now available - Click here
Posted: November 2, 2010 - Our TLTI Fire Service has just received an accreditation level from the Fire Underwriters Survey that may result in improved fire insurance rates for residents who live within 8 km. road distance of a responding fire station. Click here to view and print the letter, then contact your insurance company to find out if you qualify.
Posted: November 1, 2010 - "Seeley's Bay Steps Up" is an initiative by the Seeley's Bay Resident's Association to rejuvenate our community. For information - Click here
Posted: November 4, 2010 - Issue 7 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are now available - Click here
Posted: November 1, 2010 - Make plans now to attend "Seeley's Bay Story Fest" with Jim Raffan, a fundraising event for the Seeley's Bay Area Resident's Association. The first session is November 14th. For more information - Click here
Posted: October 22, 2010 - There is now a video of The ALL TLTI Candidates Meeting from October 20th, in Seeley's Bay. To view please click here.
Posted: October 19, 2010 - Eligible TLTI voters may place their electronic vote in the 2010 Municipal Election, from now until 8:00pm on Monday October 25. Electronic voting can be done by phone (1-888-357-3435) or at The PIN that was sent with the voter instructions is required. If you wish to vote in person, the only election day poll is located at the Municipal Complex, 1233 Prince Street, Lansdowne.
Posted: October 8, 2010 - Seeley's Bay placed finished 5th in Canada in the final ranking of The Ultimate Fishing Town Contest. Thank you for your support! Click here view the details. (link no longer available)
Posted: October 1, 2010 - The First Impressions presentation made by Keene at the recent Public Meeting is now available for viewing - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader 6 or higher)
Posted: September 12, 2010 - Issue 6 of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter is now available - Click here (Requires Adobe Reader). In case you missed them, past issues of the Seeley's Bay Newsletter are now available - Click here
Posted: September 10, 2010 - For all the latest updates on Seeley's Bay's bid to be named the Ultimate Fishing Town in Canada, check us out on Facebook - Click here (You don't need a Facebook account to view the entries)
Posted: September 7, 2010 - Voting for the final round of the Ultimate Fishing Town In Canada has begun. Click here (link no longer available) to go directly to the page where you can vote for Seeley's Bay as the Ultimate Fishing Town in Canada. You may vote every 12 hours.